Jobs near Ibadan
Maintenance manager at Proforce Defence ltd
Ode Remo
He is resposible for providig both proactive ad reactive, multi-skilled maiteace service o all operatioal equipmet, productio machies...
HR/ admin manager
Ode Remo
Job Summary
The HR/Admi Maager esures proactive maagemet of huma resources ad admiistrative operatios of the busiess uit. It fuctios as a...
Quality Control manager
Ode Remo
ob Summary
The Quality Cotrol Maager will supervise productio staff i the airsystems factory ad oversee all processes i the maufacturig of all...
Business Manager - Microfinance Institution
We seek to hire a adept cadidate to fill the vacat positio at our orgaizatio who is ope to loa Products sales ad is capable of workig i Southwest...
Credit Support Officer - Microfinance Institution
We seek to hire a adept cadidate to fill the vacat positio at our orgaizatio who is ope to loa Products sales ad is capable of workig i Southwest...