Jobs near Abuja
Refonte Learning DevOps Engineering Training and Internship Programme
Refote Learig is a dyamic Ed-Tech divisio of Refote Private Limited, dedicated to empowerig idividuals ad busiesses i the digital age. We...
Job Openings at Peopleplusng
Peopleplusg - We provide exceptioal HR support that empowers busiesses to succeed. We're committed to deliverig tailored solutios that meet...
Debt Recovery Agent Job at LifeBank
LifeBak is a techology compay that powers hospitals ad care ceters to deliver quality healthcare to patiets i emergig markets. The compay’s...
Accountant Job at Broadway Restaurant and Lounge
Broadway Restaurat is a state of heart Restaurat located at wuse 2 Abuja, fuctios iclude both Die i, Takeaway ad Delivery across the FCT. Ejoy...
Strategic Planning & Policy – Consultant
Lauched i 2023, the Movemet Agaist Malutritio is a ew veture, fouded by the Iteratioal Rescue Committee (IRC), with a sigle goal:...